RTFtoHTML documentation is included (in HTML format) in the general distribution. You may find the latest information at http://www/sunpack.com/RTF - as well as the latest version. RTFtoHTML is shareware. If you use it, please send $29.00 (US) to Chris Hector 6195 Sinclair Rd. Mound, MN. 55364 Read the file License.htm for details. To contact me, send email to chris@sunpack.com Here is a brief description of the options (in man-page style) -hlevel to split the document at headings of level level, -c to create a table of contents, and -x to create an index (of course, this requires index entries to be in the RTF document) These should suffice in most cases. When invoking rtftohtml without any arguments, a list of all available options is printed. Following is a complete and detailed list of all available command line options, sorted alphabetically: -c Generate a table of contents on a separate page (the title page itself normally only contains the level-1-headings). -G Indicates that no graphics files should be written. The hypertext links to the graphics files will still be generated. This is a performance feature for when you are re-translating a document and the graphics have not changed. -hlevel This tells rtftohtml to split the generated HTML document at all headings of level, thus creating a separate HTML file for the contents of every section at that level. If level is 0, only one HTML file will be created with a table of contents at the top of the HTML file. If level is omitted, rtftohtml will create a separate HTML file for every section. For example, -h1 only splits the HTML-File when a level-1-heading is encountered. All lower level headings will be internally referenced from the top of the respective HTML-File. This option is also required for the -c and -x options. -i Indicates that imbedded graphics should be linked into the main document using an IMG tag. The default is to use an HREF style link. -N file If the -h option has been given, this option allows you to tell rtftohtml that it should read the description for the navigation panels it produces from file file. Navigation panels are described in more detail in section Navigation panels. -o filename Indicates that the basic output file name should be filename. If any other files are created (such as for graphics), the basename of the other files will be filename without ".rtf" if it is present in the name. -P extension Use extension as the extension for any links to graphics files. The default for this is "gif". -s Use short filenames when splitting the HTML output. In this case the HTML-files are simply numbered. If this option is not present the file-names contain the first eight characters of the first heading contained in the respective files. -t Place external references to headlines near the top of the page. (Default is that they occur at the and of the page.) -T title Use title as the document title. This overrides any title supplied within the RTF-file (see also section Supplying a title). (Note: Stock rtftohtml uses this switch to prevent the generation of a table of contents. Since this conflicts with rtftoweb's ToC-handling anyway, I have redefined this command line switch.) -x Generate an index. This works by gathering all the index entries of the RTF-File and inserting an invisible anchor at that place. -X text By default, rtftohtml inserts index anchors without any text, thus producing "empty anchors" which most Web browsers have no problems with. Unfortunately there is one prominent exception to this statement: NCSA Mosaic. Mosaic requires anchors to contain at least one non-blank character, otherwise they are not recognized. This option lets you use text as the text of such anchors when using Mosaic as your Web browser, e.g. "-X ·".